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The Sanctuary is more significant in the sense that this is the only protected area representing a big geographical tract, where efforts are being made to preserve the rich floristic and faunistic composition for future generations. There is nothing spec tacular in this Sanctuary, but what is significant, is that this sanctuary represents, typically, the type of retrogression which is spreading over most of the dry deciduous forests of this region, under intense human pressure of surrounding societies. Retrogression is evident in wood land structures, where large areas now resemble open park lands with bare grounds, devoid of undergrowth and cover. Habitats of Sambar, Barking Deer and Chital, species representative of good forests with edges of meadows, have turned into habitats for Blue Bull and Chinkara, species of degraded wood land.

Two years ago in 2018 , one orphaned tigress (N1) and a male tiger (N2) were relocated to Nauradehi WIldlife Sanctuary. Both the tigers are now seen together sometimes in sanctuary. The relocation program has been successful with 3 cubs being born out of the holy alliance of these two felines couple of times. Second litter of N1 was recorded in the month of November 2021 and a new arrival in sanctuary , a tiger N3 is also being frequently sighted. Thus including the litters of N1 and N2 , as of now the total number of Tigers in the sanctuary is about 6 and two cubs of less than one year age.

Nauradehi Management has chosen The Indian Wolf (Canis lupus pallipes) as its KEY STONE SPECIES of this sanctuary and it is credited on the mono of NWLS, because of its super predatory nature. With its rich diversity of species and number of dog family representation in the region, the sanctuary becomes one of the most important protected areas of Central India. One more importance of the sanctuary lies in its richness of species and number of dog family representations listed elsewhere.

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