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Nauradehi boasts of wide variety of tree species. The forest type of this sanctuary is classified as the Tropical Dry Deciduous forest which consists of the Central Indian monsoon forests. These forests or the trees found in such areas are mainly dependent on monsoon rains for their water requirements and thus show the general characteristics of monsoon forests. Green lush canopy can be seen during the monsoon and post monsoon season, when anyone visiting these areas is bound to fall in love with the jungles itself. Other attractions like wildlife becomes the icing on the cake during the monsoon/post season. The jungles become slightly dry during the summers and definitely loose their green attraction for a brief period of two to three months but with increased density of animals found near to water areas make it attractive proposition for all tourists alike.

Teak is the dominant tree species.

Major trees found are Teak

  • Saja
  • Dhawda
  • Sal
  • Tendu (Coromandel Ebony)
  • Bhirra (East Indian Satinwood)
  • Mahua

In March the deciduous trees begin to shed their leaves for a hot summer season.


In forestry term as per the revised classification of forests by Champion and Seth, the flora of the Sanctuary can broadly be identified into Type "5A Southern Tropical Dry Deciduous Forests".

Main associates of teak in these forests are dhaora, bel, lendia, gunja, tendu, bija, kasai, tinsa, saja, mahua, achar, dhoban, aonla, etc. The understorey is not very well defined. Undergrowth is also very light, consisting of dudhi, ghont, ail, chirota, etc. Chirota and gokhru occur extensively in heavily grazed areas. Grasses are generally abundant. The commonly occuring grasses are gunher, kuasl, bhurbhusi and mushel. The climber infestation is negligible. Common climbers found are makor, keoti, gurar and palasbel etc.

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