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Nauradehi wildlife sanctuaryhas wide range of animal species viz.: variety of mammals, birds, reptiles and many lesser life forms which are teeming in this protected area. Being situated in one of the most important wildlife corridors it boasts not only of its resident wild animals but also sometimes few prominent individuals of the larger species are also recorded in the sanctuary.

In the sanctuary, you will be able to easily spot herbivores like

  • Nilgai
  • Chinkara
  • Chital
  • Sambar
  • Black buck
  • Chousingha
  • Langurs and
  • Red-faced monkeys

Apart from them, Mongoose,Brock and Monitor lizards can also be seen here.

Carnivorous animals like

  • Tiger
  • Leopards
  • Sloth bear
  • Wolf
  • Wild Dog
  • Hyena
  • Jackal and
  • Fox are also found here.

Even though sighting of a Tiger or Panther is a slightly difficult in this sanctuary in comparison to Tiger reserves but with continuously improving wildlife habitats and protection provided by the Forest Department, their population is on rise and their sighting steadily increasing.

Among the carnivores sightings of Hyenas, Wolves and Sloth Bearsis more common.

Rare species:

This sanctuary is also famous for the wild animals that crawl in dry forests, including water and land Turtles. Variety of reptiles found include Freshwater Turtles, Terrestrial Tortoises,Moniter Lizards and Freshwater Crocodile and Snakes. The natural habitat of Crocodiles is ChakaiKunda Nala and Bamner river.

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