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Butterflies of Nauradehi:

Nauradehi encompasses diverse habitats but it is mainly famous for its sprawling grasslands. The first Butterfly Survey was held at Nauradehi Wildlife Sanctuary on 19 and 20 November 2021. At the time of the survey, the view of the grasslands was in different hues of gold and copper, having transited from the lush green of the monsoons. Some low lying grass lands like Barpani were still green and moist, attracting myriad butterflies. The two main perennial rivers Bamner and Viarma, meandering through the 1200 square kilometres of the Sanctuary, along with their network of tributaries were still alive with gurgling water. Smaller streams having isolated pools provided ample moisture and cool habitats for butterflies. The dug up water reservoirs and small stop dams added to the water repository and their seepage keeping the bed of the jungle streams and surroundings moist in which butterflies in large numbers were seen mud-puddling.

Click Here to download in the first survey 62 varieties of butterfly were recorded at Nauradehi.

Click Here to download the findings in generic report of butterfly survey.

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