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Forest department has been conducting Bird Survey’s in Nauradehi Sanctuary on regular basis and latest bird survey was conducted in JAN 2021. The survey helped consolidate the figures of previous bird survey and a rich avian population was recorded in the sanctuary. The participants in the survey were able to recorded about 175 bird species of which

  • Dusky eagle owl
  • White bellied minivet
  • Himalayan Vulture
  • Eurasian wryneck
  • Verditer flycatcher

were few of the highlights.

The other important resident and migratory birds groups include

  • Storks(Painted, Adjutant, Openbilled)
  • Cranes
  • Egrets
  • Lapwing
  • Vultures
  • Kites
  • Owls
  • Kingfishers
  • Eagles
  • Patridges
  • Quails
  • Doves.

Click Here to download the latest Bird Survey Report.

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